Energy, creativity, courage, these are all finite resources one should use wisely. Why reinvent the wheel, when you can invent gears? Then add DeFi technology, Smart Contracts and branch out into entirely new modes of participation?
The first lesson anyone who studies marketing learns is that every product has a lifecycle. In this, features, economic models and business models are alike, and their life cycles must be taken into consideration when deciding the steps forward.
This is where the hybrid spirit comes in. It’s about the smart application of the tried and true with arising need and exciting adventure. In this way, we take the old with the new, to create a new experience with proven sustainability.
The Old
The classics, the tried and true. These are the foundations, the default settings of any industry. Many have tried and failed in the attempt to achieve the success of what is now considered “the old”. To achieve the “old” status in any industry is a long road paved with continuous growth and success. What a long time means, of course, varies from industry to industry. These “old” methods have seen many exciting trends come and go. They’ve been up, they’ve been down, and they are still here.
However, these methods are true for the industry in which they were forged. Their successes are contextual within the boundaries and limitations of their industry. Take ad monetization, for example. This model has breathed life into the creator’s economy on mobile, and hyper games especially. However, with personalization soon becoming a thing of the past, this sturdy economic model is quickly moving into a precarious state.
The New
The avant garde, the spearheads of technology, the trendsetters. These creative and adventurous souls take the status quo, the rules of the industry, the “way things are done” and nope all over it. They come up with something different.
They are instrumental to the continuous development of every industry, they’re also incredible risk takers. If it works out, it could prove truly amazing, like bitcoin. This once unheard of cryptocurrency has now created industry titans and generated billions of dollars. Cryptocurrency has evolved with bitcoin serving as the flagship brand everyone in the world knows even if they know nothing else. They’ve even given rise to a whole new industry of cryptocurrency exchanges and famous feuds, such as the famous Bitcoin Vs Bitcoin Cash.
But what if they fail, like so many ambitious projects do? The rest of us, who watched closely and learned from their mistakes alongside their strengths, can use it to our advantage.
The Everlasting
Wherever you see something long lasting, you see something with rules of engagement. Even the most avant garde becomes familiar as it works within its own set of rules.
These brands are not afraid to try new things, to branch out and discover what new rules to make, and which existing rules to break. They will always work to stay relevant and up-to-date, and wherever they can, they will lead new trends.
They learn from their mistakes, which they survived, as well as those mistakes made by others. They recognize a growing need and address it.
Marvel started out with comic books, then took cinema by storm by providing film goers with that same cross-project continuity that comic readers have been enjoying for decades. They even ventured into mobile games, where their latest installment alone grossed $30 million in revenue.
So, what does it mean to have a hybrid company, with hybrid products and hybrid projects?
It means respecting the success of those who came before, while keeping our eyes open to the wonder of the evolving world and its growing markets. We are the calculating risk takers. It means not losing our heads to every rising trend, yet even so gaining inspiration from them. It means learning from them as well as the sturdy, proven methods that are the backbone of our industries.
We are excited to get on the new and exciting ride that is a hybrid economic model for mobile games and cryptocurrency. We are more excited to do it in a way that protects our users, and our players. We look forward to ensuring their enthusiasm and trust in this “new” venture, is placed in what will one day be “the old”.
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