Quest of the Wandering Wizard

  An allegory about wizard life. It could make a fun game someday.


I awake from a dream, startled. Where am I and how did I get here? I know my name but I have forgotten who I am and why I came to be here. Around me there is darkness — night still has not broken. I hear noises coming from the space near me. The sounds of insects and birds, and the wind moving through the trees starts to fill my senses. I feel around me knowing subconsciously I have placed a useful object nearby. On my right I grasp for the matches. To my left I reach for a candle. Sparks. Illumination. Now I can see. Surrounding me, I see my tent. Outside there is lush green and flashes of all the colors. I push through the flaps and emerge into the Jungle.

The Jungle

The Jungle is a magical place filled with wonder and confusion. What is what and who is who in the Jungle? There are so many sights to see and so many things to find fascinating. But who is my friend in the Jungle? Everyone in the Jungle is busy and hungry and little thought is given to the existence of others. The Jungle is unforgiving and creatures of all types are ready to pounce on the opportunity to feast on the weak. The circle of life is ripe in the Jungle and the light and darkness coexist. Wandering through the Jungle is the sense of the unknown. Friends can be found in the Jungle but they are hidden amongst dark spirits and poisonous plants and animals. I do not know who to trust in the Jungle and I wrestle with my inner demons. I am attacked by those that would seek to feed on my life essence and keep it for their own. If I can pass through the Jungle and all its trials without losing my soul, I will move beyond its seemingly unending chaos and commotion. The Jungle is a place of wonder but I must move beyond to a land where I can see the horizon and have a sense of myself as individual and unique to the constant churning of nature.

The Wilderness

At the edge of the Jungle I see a passage leading to the light. Have I arrived in the promised land? This land is dry and scarce and stretches on seemingly forever. In the distance I see small patches of trees, mixed shrubs, and dry riverbeds. I have entered the Wilderness. I see the paths of others that have walked here before but still I am alone. In the distance I see trails of smoke rising over the hills. There are others wandering here, but can I trust them? Is it safe to approach them and what are their stories? Unlike the Jungle which was all consuming in its constant rotation and churn of life and death, the Wilderness is vast and expansive. I have time to think here and reflect upon my state of being. I do not know how long this wandering will last but I am determined to pass through the trials of the Wilderness. I have the sense that there is more beyond the Wilderness that I do not see yet. I know I will grow weary and frustrated walking the path through the Wilderness and that somehow I am still lost. I must wrestle with my darkest thoughts and repair the damage done to me by the dark beings who sought to break my soul in the Jungle. The journey feels long and I grow aggravated with my situation at times, still I feel hope.


Having spent years wandering in the Wilderness I have gained a deep knowledge of the world and its many corners. I have met many other wanderers on these trails and learned much from their wanderings yet also found many lies and untruths in their ramblings. When I have found a kindred spirit on a similar path I listen eagerly to their stories in hopes of finding nuggets of wisdom. My body and mind have grown strong from the brash environment and its many peaks and valleys but my soul longs for freedom from these trials. One evening I retire to a protected clearing with a vista of the great Wilderness. I cover myself in white linen cloth and surrender my spirit to the aura I have felt growing within and outside of me for a long time now. Suddenly I find myself floating in clouds and surrounded by a glowing light, brighter than I have ever seen. Trumpets and the wings of angels surround the glowing light which lifts my mind higher and higher through the clouds. I am given a set of glowing wings and text which is planted in my brain. I am told I can return when my work in the Vineyard is complete.

The Vineyard

Following my ascension I am left with a glowing feeling of oneness with all of life and a knowledge of how my life’s path has led me to this point. Each encounter so clearly purposed, like looking back at cairns on a trail. The darkness within me has been cast away and I no longer feel a sense of burden about where my wanderings have led me. I am filled with seemingly limitless energy and a sense of gratitude for each moment. Doors open for me wherever I wander and my needs are cared for without struggle. I look around and remember that though I have passed to the Vineyard, the landscape is still the brash expanse that was born out of the Wilderness. I feel sorrow for those still wandering in the Wilderness and do what I can to guide their wanderings towards better fortunes. Towns and cities emerge filled with lost souls as I continue my wandering quest. I feel obliged to help the other wanderers on their way, just as many wise wanderers helped on my journey. I know there is not enough time to give my attention to each one, but I offer my contributions when and where I am able. I must make time to focus on my work and meditations despite being in constant movement. I no longer feel lonely though I long for companionship. I seek out a community of other vinters tending the vines. Though we are few, we share an unspoken bond which is born from our shared quest. I must find time to focus on my work and meditations.


Around me stands a marvelous Vineyard ripe with the fruits from years of labor. Many have toiled in the soil of the Vineyard and eaten from its fruits. Long hours have been spent in the study reading of the ancient texts and writing — evolving their lessons to the context of our time. Many come to visit me in the Vineyard and learn of the wandering way. I have many friends and allies. I am happy and do not suffer yet I am more alone than ever. I feel complete. I sit on the edge of this world and the next. One night I wander into the Vineyard and look up at the stars. Around me there is darkness yet I am filled with light from within. The stars shine brighter than ever before. I am absorbed by them and they are absorbed into me. Space separates. Time holds still. A gateway emerges in my mind. I step through and enter the Meadow.

The Meadow

I feel in a constant state of arrival. I awake again in the clouds. There is light all around. I am without form or shape yet I am myself. I remember everything and everything is one with me. I feel peace. I am surrounded by many and many are as one. I look down upon the worlds below. There is no longing, there is no pain. My quest has ended. Shall I stay in the Meadow? I may yet return to the lower realms.

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