As we progress in parallel with the game and everything surrounding the game such as the story, characters, locations, and events, I will be introducing, hopefully daily, some of the heroes and units that will be part of the game. Without further ado, let's get to it.
As you may (or may not) remember, Dfiance features 3 factions: The Celestials, Infernals, and Ephemerals — as well as a neutral faction which we call the factionless.
Do keep in mind that the information (and illustrations) presented are still a work in progress and not final. We will introduce characters alphabetically (based on our current “arsenal”) so it's easier for me to track, thus the order of the characters bears no importance whatsoever.
Adelena is a very smart, although somewhat antisocial, Celestial scientist who’s “in it for the science”. She greatly prefers the company of machines over other Celestials. Although pretty uncommon, Adelena was born without auricles and, like all Celestials sharing this unfortunate “gift”, she has telepathic abilities. Perhaps this is one of the reasons she likes to keep to herself.
The Blacked Demuïns (Demuïn is the infernal word for “male” while Dewuïn is the word for “female”) are elite ranged units equipped with strong and accurate bows, able to shoot poisoned arrows in massive bursts from a very large distance. Fierce, deadly, and purpose-driven, these units are not recommended to be underestimated
As one can guess, academy scientists are, well, scientists. They spend most of their days experimenting and creating new devices and new ways to harvest and store energies, as well as means to detonate them on demand. While they are certainly bookworms and not exactly field material, they are dangerous field bookworms.
Abyssal Bitrimoths are large creatures often used by infernals as mounts in battle mainly because they can climb trees and rocks and can run for many hours before getting tired and they are very aggressive when threatened. While hard to domesticate, if successful, Bitrimoths become very protective of their masters and will fight at their side until either they or their master dies. If a Bitrimoth’s master dies, the Bitrimoth will usually look for a new master, not necessarily an infernal.
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